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Project Overview

California State Parks is working to develop the Great Valley Grasslands State Park General Plan and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to guide the park’s long-range management, operations, and future recreational development. The plan will be the park’s primary managing document and will identify a park vision, with supporting goals and guidelines. The plan will guide park staff and managers in making decisions about future recreation infrastructure and resource management.

Visit the project website to learn more about the Great Valley Grasslands State Park General Plan and EIR, see project updates, and read the project FAQs.

How to Take the Survey

This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and your input will help steer the direction of the general plan recommendations. There are two ways to provide input:

  1. Questionnaire: Fill out the survey questions below about current and future use at Great Valley Grasslands State Park.
  2. Interactive Map: On the next page, use the map to publicly share your ideas about future opportunities at Great Valley Grasslands State Park. "Like" or "dislike" other comments placed on the map.


Done with the questionnaire?